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  • 中国经济周刊分析:中国25省负债与6省1市财政能力深度解读


    “中国经济周刊” 2018年第4期封面



    中国社会科学院金融与经济学研究所的研究员王·德瓦(Wang Dehua)认为,这实质上是对省级行政区域与中央金融之间关系的分析。这些文章中有许多逻辑上的观点。他们的分析的总体结论最初是金融行业中的常识性内容,但是他们在不熟悉这一领域的公众中引起了一些不必要的误解。

    “中国经济周刊”特别邀请了中国社会科学学院财政与经济学研究所的金融审计研究办公室,自从第12五年计划(2011- 2016年)以来,全国31个省的金融捐款排名。该排名计算了2011 - 2016年31个省的财务贡献。


    Wang Dehua分析了财务贡献的排名不能等于各个地区对国家的贡献的排名。同时,排名较低并需要中央政府大量补贴的省份不能被视为债务压力,或者隐藏债务的比例将更高。 “最低排名并不意味着本地存在巨大的财务差距,也不意味着当地的财政运营存在问题。当前的财政体系具有明确的机构限制,可以为低级省份提供财务支持。根据19号公共服务的公共服务的报告,基于对中国的共同行动,这是基于他们的总体服务,以使他们的进一步发展为基础,这是他们对公共服务的进一步行动,这是对他们的均等范围的进一步的。



    中国社会科学院金融与经济学策略研究所的研究员王·德瓦(Wang Dehua)

    秘书长习近平在向第19个国民大会的报告中提出,我的国家应建立“中央和地方金融关系,具有明确的权利和责任,协调的财务资源以及在区域平衡的情况下”。中央政府和地方政府之间的财政关系一直是主要国家治理的核心问题之一,自成立新中国以来,经历了许多调整。自1994年以来,我的国家建立了一个税收分担的财政制度,该财政体系改变了建立基于企业隶属关系的财政收入所有权的方式,并为我国中央和地方财政关系的当前基本机构框架奠定了基础。根据第18 CPC中央委员会和第19个国会大会的第三次全体会议的部​​署,可以预料,中央政府和地方政府之间的金融关系的优化将是在不久的将来全面加深改革的重点。



    本文首先提出了一个分析框架,以分析区域总财政资源的角度分析中央财政和地方财政之间的关系,即基于国家地方税收收入的总区域财务资源和公共预算中的非税收收入,并与当地政府在本地政府中剩下的全国投资中的贡献相比,这取决于各个国家的贡献,或者是在本地政府中提供的贡献。其次,根据该框架,给出了自第12五年计划(2011- 2016年)以来31个省(自治区域,市政当局)的总排名。最后,简要分析如何查看排名结果。








    国家财政财政的区域捐款=总区域财务资源 - 当地一次性财务资源;

    总区域财务资源=国家税收收入(不包括海关收集) +地方税收收入 +非税收收入;

    本地一次性财务资源=通用公共预算收入 +中央补贴收入 - 中央支出得到解决。



    其次,不考虑海关收集收入。在上述分析框架中,不包括海关收集的增值税,消费税和习俗。原因之一是,这些税是严格的意义上的核心税,它们的数量与中央政府承担的减税收入并没有太大不同 - 出口纳税退还。换句话说,中央政府对这些税收的收购是由于出口纳税返还的义务,净财政资源最终并没有太大贡献。第二个原因是海关代表某个地方征收税款,这不一定是当地企业和居民支付的税收负担。



    表1是自省级行政区域(包括具有独立计划状态的市政当局)的第12五年计划(2011 - 2016年)以来国家财政捐款配额的排名。


    在31个省中,有22个省需要中央政府的净补贴。 According to the subsidy amount, they are ranked from small to large: Hainan, Shanxi, Ningxia, Chongqing, Shaanxi, Jilin, Hebei, Hubei, Qinghai, Yunnan, Tibet, Jiangxi, Anhui, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Gansu, Guangxi, Hunan, Heilongjiang, Guizhou, Henan,和四川。在6年内,这22个省在中央补贴中获得了1,20927.86亿元人民币。这些地区是相对落后的经济发展。即使所有地方税收收入,当地税收收入和无税收收入都保留在本地使用中,也无法满足他们安排财政支出的需求,中央政府也需要其他补贴。省份收到的补贴金额有所不同,这主要是由于人口规模和经济发展等因素。例如,由于人口庞大和相对较弱的经济发展水平,四川省和河南省获得了最多的中央补贴。







    “中国经济周刊”记者王·洪鲁(Wang Hongru)|北京报告









    国家发展与改革委员会的土地和地区研究所的前主任小·金昌(Xiao Jincheng)在接受《中国经济周刊》记者的采访时分析了江苏的许多上市公司,具有庞大的企业和强大的市场竞争力,因此他们支付了更多的利润和税收。千江也有许多企业,但是企业的规模相对较小,因此与江苏相比,盈利和税收相对较少。

    山东的表现也很好。自12年计划以来,累计净汇款为5166.2亿元人民币,在该国排名第七。净汇款与该地区总财政资源的比例(11.35%)低于江苏和江苏。中国社会科学学院工业经济学研究所的研究人员张·希克斯(Zhang Shixian)分析了《中国经济周刊》的记者,尽管山东的总GDP很高,但该省内部的经济发展是不平衡的,行业之间的差距相对较大。山东的几乎所有大型企业和社会资源都集中在几个主要城市,但是Linyi的旧革命基地非常负担,因此整个工业水平不如东沿海地区的江苏,郑和上海那么好。






    “北京依靠总部经济。”中国社会科学院金融与经济学研究所金融审计研究办公室主任王·德瓦(Wang Dehua)告诉《中国经济周刊》,市政当局的自然优势是总部经济,主要反映在税收中。 “目前,工业,农业,CCB和金融机构中的几家主要银行的总部,包括Everbright,Citic,Minsheng等,位于北京,这些银行在该国只有一个合法实体,其收入在其总部的位置是付款的。其他行业都是北京的主要利润和纳税人。

    自2011年以来,作为北京-Tianjin-Hebei省一体化的重要成员,Hebei Province在全国财政补贴中总共获得了13414.44亿元人民币的13414.44亿元人民币,并且逐年补贴的数量逐年增加。

    在张希克西安(Zhang Shixian)的观点中,有两个原因:一个受雾化的影响。尽管近年来,河北省的GDP迅速增长,但对阴霾控制的投资非常强大,这不仅影响了当地的经济增长,而且会受到“影响”。其次,由于供应方面的结构改革,低端行业有艰巨的任务来降低生产能力。 “将它们关闭是损失。但是,为了改善人们的生计和环境质量,这种损失是值得的,因此需要国家补贴。”





    在小金昌的观点中,广东位于珠河三角洲地区。除了深圳,还有8个具有相对较强的工业基础的城市,而且穷人不多,因此财政收入增长相对较好。 “但是广东以外向的经济占很大比例。如果国际市场状况良好,经济利益将有所改善。但是,与往年相比,广东的外贸会带来一定的压力。”

    自第12五年计划以来,广西在全国净补贴中总共获得了709.77亿元人民币,占该地区总财政资源的56.49%。 Zhang Shixian analyzed that Guangxi's industrial foundation is not strong, its natural fiscal revenue is relatively low, and Guangxi has a large number of poor people and is a minority area. Objectively, the national subsidy will be relatively large.


    Sichuan received the highest net subsidy in the country

    The southwestern regions (Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Tibet, and Chongqing) have received the most net subsidies among the seven major regions. Since the 12th Five-Year Plan, a total of 3213.478 billion yuan of national net subsidies have been received, accounting for 43.92% of the total financial resources of the region. Among them, Sichuan Province has received the most net subsidies. Since the 12th Five-Year Plan, a total of 1071.08 billion yuan in national net subsidies, the largest among the 31 provinces, accounting for 40.41% of the total financial resources of the region.

    Sichuan has a large population base. Sichuan currently has a population of more than 80 million, with a total of 45 deeply impoverished counties, mainly distributed in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture.

    "Most of the fiscal transfer payments obtained by Sichuan may be used in these three ethnic minority areas." Xiao Jincheng analyzed that these three states are large financially supported by the state, with a large area and a large population, and basically no income. Moreover, these three prefectures are contiguous poverty-stricken areas in Qinba Mountains and Wumeng Mountains, and the relocation efforts are very strong. "In addition, Sichuan has made great efforts to build high-speed rail, highway and airports in recent years, so it is not surprising that the amount of subsidies is large."

    Chongqing is the one with better financial resources in the southwest region. Since the 12th Five-Year Plan, Chongqing has received a total of 280.945 billion yuan in national net subsidies, and Chongqing is the only city among the four municipalities directly under the central government to receive net fiscal subsidies.

    Zhang Shixian analyzed to the reporter of China Economic Weekly that compared with other municipalities directly under the central government, Chongqing Municipality was officially established on June 18, 1997, and its establishment time was relatively short, and economic development has only begun to improve in recent years. "In addition, although Chongqing claims to be a high level of urbanization, it is actually only talking about urban areas, but the entire Chongqing area is large and many of its industrial foundations are relatively weak. After all, it is the western region. This situation may gradually change."

    Northwest Region

    All 5 provinces require national net subsidies

    No surprises, the five provinces in the northwest region (Ningxia, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Shaanxi, and Gansu) all need to receive national net subsidies. Statistics show that since the 12th Five-Year Plan, the region has received a total of 2423.164 billion yuan in national net subsidies, accounting for more than half of the total financial resources of the region, reaching 57.46%.

    Ningxia is the place where the region has received the least net subsidy. Since the 12th Five-Year Plan, it has received a total of 232.597 billion yuan in national subsidies, accounting for 73.48% of the total financial resources of the region; Gansu has received the most national net subsidies in this region. Since the 12th Five-Year Plan, it has received a total of 699.154 billion yuan in national subsidies, accounting for 99.43% of the total financial resources of the region.

    How do you view the financial situation in Gansu? Xiao Jincheng analyzed to the reporter of China Economic Weekly that Gansu has a large area and a large population compared with Ningxia and Qinghai, especially Dingxi, Longnan and Longxi, and the country will naturally increase its poverty alleviation efforts in Gansu. In addition, in recent years, Gansu's infrastructure investment has been increasing, especially Lanzhou New District has invested a lot. In addition, the market conditions of coal enterprises in recent years have been poor, so the state will naturally have more subsidies to Gansu.

    Central China

    Henan, a major agricultural province, receives net subsidy for the second in the country

    The four provinces in central China (Hubei, Hunan, Henan, and Jiangxi) are also regions that receive national net subsidies. Since the 12th Five-Year Plan, a total of 2696.465 billion yuan of national subsidies have been received, and the subsidies account for 32.15% of the total financial resources of the region.

    Overall, several provinces in this region are all large population provinces. Data shows that since the 12th Five-Year Plan, Henan has received a total of 990.951 billion yuan in national net subsidies, ranking second in the country. The amount of net subsidies has increased year by year from 126.809 billion yuan in 2011, and reached 197.398 billion yuan in 2016, an increase of 56%.

    In 2016, Henan's total GDP was 4016.01 billion yuan, ranking fifth in the country, and it is the leader among several central provinces. Why does such a seemingly "rich" province receive so much state subsidy?

    Zhang Shixian analyzed, "Henan is the largest population province, with a large rural population and a relatively low level of urbanization. Henan is also a major agricultural province and the country's main commercial grain base. The subsidies for commercial grain are all paid by the state. In fact, it is not just Henan, but also Heilongjiang, Jilin, Sichuan, Anhui and other provinces are all major agricultural provinces and major grain provinces. The state must give these provinces fixed subsidies."

    Compared with Henan, although the net subsidy amounts in Hunan and Jiangxi have increased year by year since the 12th Five-Year Plan, their proportion of the region's total financial resources has been shrinking year by year. For example, in 2011, Jiangxi's net subsidy accounted for 44.71% of the total financial resources in the region, while in 2016, this figure was 32.18%, a decrease of 12 percentage points.

    Hubei has received the least national net financial subsidy in central China, with a total of 430.635 billion yuan since the 12th Five-Year Plan, only half of Henan's, and accounting for only 18.15% of the region's total financial resources.

    Wang Dehua is very optimistic about the development of Hubei. He told the reporter of China Economic Weekly, "From the national perspective, Hubei and Chongqing have developed relatively well. Although central government transfer payments are still needed, judging from the trend of changing since the 12th Five-Year Plan, the proportion of central subsidies is getting smaller and smaller. Especially in Hubei Province, in recent years, it has made achievements in transforming and upgrading traditional manufacturing industries, cultivating and expanding emerging industries, and accelerating the development of modern services. This is also one of the reasons why they receive the reduction in national subsidies year by year."

    Northeastern region

    Liaoning "accidentally" enters the net surrender camp

    Is the situation in the Northeast (Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang) bad?

    Since the 12th Five-Year Plan, the three northeastern provinces have received a total of 1089.63022 billion yuan in national net subsidies, accounting for 20.73% of the total financial resources of the region.

    However, the financial resources of the three provinces seem to be "world-size-fits-all". Liaoning is the only province among the three eastern provinces to enter the net surrender camp. Data shows that since the 12th Five-Year Plan, Liaoning has paid 55.338 billion yuan in net remittances, accounting for 2% of regional financial resources.

    Jilin receives net subsidies at a medium level across the country. Statistics show that since the 12th Five-Year Plan, Jilin Province has received a total of 402.092 billion yuan in national net subsidies, ranking 15th in the country, accounting for 32.98% of the total financial resources of the region.

    Heilongjiang has the worst comprehensive financial resources. Since the 12th Five-Year Plan, the total net subsidy of 742.877 billion yuan has been received, nearly twice as much as Jilin. Moreover, the net subsidy accounts for a relatively high proportion of the total financial resources of the region, with an average of 56.64%, and reached 106% in 2016.

    The three northeastern provinces were once the earliest regions of industrialization and urbanization in China. The urbanization rate was high, the industrial system was developed, and the fiscal balance was achieved relatively early. Taxes have always been higher than the national average. Even in the 1980s and a considerable period of time since then, taxes were even higher than those in the eastern coastal areas. Data shows that between 1953 and 1987, Heilongjiang Province paid a net transfer of 46.73 billion yuan to the central government; between 1953 and 1994, Liaoning Province paid a total of 323.4 billion yuan to the central government; during the "First Five-Year Plan" period, Jilin Province even handed over 60.1% of the total fiscal revenue to the central government.

    However, today the three northeastern provinces have become the most difficult areas for China's economic transformation, and there is even a saying that "investment cannot be achieved by Shanhaiguan".

    In Xiao Jincheng's view, the saying "investment cannot be made in Shanhaiguan" reflects the phenomenon that investors are unwilling to invest in Northeast China. "Where to invest is the choice of enterprises, and local governments need to be attractive if they want to invest. Whether it is local investors or foreign investors, the purpose is to increase capital returns. If the business environment is not good, talents and capital will flow out. Therefore, changing the local business environment is an important breakthrough to revitalize the Northeast."


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